‘Unacceptable’ delay repairing burnt flats

‘Unacceptable’ delay repairing burnt flats

28 June 2017

A HOUSING Executive delay in repairing a number of Newcastle flats targeted by arsonists almost two years ago has been criticised by a local politician.

The flats at Bracken Avenue at the Burrendale Park estate were badly destroyed in the incident and councillor Willie Clarke is concerned repair work is not yet underway, despite promises it would be.

Describing the delays in repair work as “totally unacceptable,” councillor Clarke said an indication was given that repairs would commence towards the end of January this year. He said he was then told workmen would be on site after the Easter holidays but there is still no movement.

“As an elected representative, it is difficult to explain to the public why these delays are occurring,” he declared. “Residents in the area are left with the blight from these burnt out units.

“I do not lay the blame for these delays at the door of local Housing Executive mangers and staff. The problem is at the organisation’s headquarters and I will be writing to the Executive’s chief executive to voice my concerns. It is important that this rebuild is expedited as quickly as possible.”

Councillor Clarke said the loss of the Bracken Avenue flats from the resort’s housing stock has an impact, explaining there are over 250 people in urgent need of social housing in the Newcastle area.

He added: “The need for quality, affordable housing is essential for the wellbeing of our citizens. Every day my party’s offices are inundated by families requesting assistance to avail of social housing.”

A Housing Executive spokesman said there is an ongoing PSNI investigation into the arson attack at the flats at Bracken Avenue, explaining repair work was delayed from an original commencement date of January so additional properties could be added to the scheme.

He added: “It has taken longer than anticipated for the work to commence. It is anticipated that work will start in July and a meeting with the contractor is due to take place shortly. We understand the frustrations of those directly affected and we apologise for any inconvenience.”