We would like to expand as there is demand for the service

We would like to expand as there is demand for the service

14 January 2015

THE project co-ordinator of the Good Morning Down service says calls made to vulnerable people today are as important as they were when the charity launched.

Linda Baker said over 260 people had received telephone calls since the service was launched in 2005, with just over 30 currently on the waiting list.

Mrs. Baker said there was a “clear need” for the service dedicated to providing support for elderly and vulnerable people to not only continue, but expand to meet increasing demand.

She explained those who require the support of the local charity were referred to Good Morning Down by a range of bodies including GPs, the PSNI, social workers and families themselves.

“The need for the service we provide is increasing and, if we had more money, we would be able to do that. Currently, our financial situation does not permit this,” continued Linda.

The manager revealed the charity has received some “generous donations” from local businesses and a youth group since news of its financial plight was highlighted in the Recorder shortly before Christmas.

The charity now has enough in its coffers to see it through until the end of the financial year but it’s what happens from April onwards which is a concern for charity staff and volunteers.

“We are targeting other funders and hope we will be successful. Ideally we want the amount of cash we receive to not only be increased, but be ring-fenced to allow us to expand the service and plan for the future,” Mrs. Baker explained.


“We would like to expand the service as there is clearly a demand for it. The key issue, of course, is finance and we hope we can secure to do what we need to do.”