Visitor centre set to beat coach total

Visitor centre set to beat coach total

16 July 2014

SUMMER is really heating up for the Saint Patrick Centre as it looks set to beat last year’s record of welcoming over 600 international coaches to Downpatrick.

As part of its summer programme the Centre is working with the Northern Ireland Environmental Service to offer free guided tours of some important local sites associated with Ireland’s Patron Saint throughout July.

Join the Saint Patrick Centre archaeologist for a detailed 60 minute tour of Struell Wells on the July 15 each hour from 1-3pm. Learn about the recent archaeological discoveries found there as well as discussing the history and importance of the site.

On July 17 meet the archaeologist at the Saint Patrick Centre at 2pm for a guided visit of the history and archaeology of the Mound of Down on a tour which lasts approximately 90 minutes. Bring sturdy shoes for this tour.


Finally, join the archaeologist on July 19 at 2pm at the Centre for an archaeological walking tour of Downpatrick. This tour lasts approximately 90 minutes and takes in all of the most important sites in the ancient medieval town.