Veteran stands down after 28 years on council

Veteran stands down after 28 years on council

2 October 2013

ALLIANCE MLA Kieran McCarthy has stepped down from Ards Borough Council after 28 years serving the peninsula.

Mr. McCarthy announced his decision at a council meeting last Wednesday and said he is proud to have been involved in so many issues which brought a good service to the Ards Peninsula. He remains an MLA.

After starting as a councillor in 1985 he said he was especially proud of the retention of the townlands names in the area and rural play areas.

His final act was asking for a pause in the closure plan for  Exploris, asking the council to take a little extra time to steer it back on the road to recovery.

“Tonight is the end of the road for me as a local councillor. It has been a real pleasure and honour for me to represent the people of the Ards peninsula for such a long time,” he said.

“Local residents have seen great improvements to their locality over the years. It takes time, but we usually get there in the end.

“There is always more to be done, but it can only be done by this council working together as a body along with our officers.

“Whilst we represent different aspects of our society, we share the same ambition, to serve everyone on an equal basis and make progress as one community,” he said.

Mr. McCarthy thanked his family, especially his wife Kathleen, along with his council and party colleagues he had worked.

“I hope we have played our part in the bigger picture of helping to bring Northern Ireland out of the evil and darkness where there was so many broken families and so much death and destruction.

“I hope I have played my part in moving Northern Ireland into a more peaceful and caring society,” he said.