McGrath blasts racist graffiti in Downpatrick

McGrath blasts racist graffiti in Downpatrick

26 August 2020

THE appearance of unsightly graffiti on a wall in Downpatrick town centre has been condemned by a local politician.

South Down MLA Colin McGrath has expressed concern about the graffiti at St Patrick’s Avenue which includes a swastika.

The politician said there are number of shops in the town which are catering for the needs of the foreign national community.

He said that to have a swastika painted on the wall outside one such shop was a “sad indictment” of the thoughts that some in the community have.

“Graffiti has also appeared which is aimed at protecting people found liable for the Omagh bomb and another one that is exceptionally defamatory of our NHS,” said Mr McGrath.

The Assemblyman suggested that the same person or group could be responsible for all the graffiti which has appeared.

He added: “This must stop as such public graffiti sets the wrong tone for our town which must be open to others, be welcoming and supportive of people and institutions that helps save lives. I hope that the graffiti will be removed soon.”