Major step for war memorial restoration plan

Major step for war memorial restoration plan

29 April 2015

THE contract for the restoration of Ballynahinch’s War Memorial has been awarded to the leading firm of stonemasons, S McConnell & Sons in Kilkeel. 

Plans are being made for the removal of the now-crumbling 1934 cenotaph.

McConnells have been central to any number of prestigious national projects including the National Arboretum and memorials to Princess Diana, and Bomber Command. 

The contract for the granite obelisk was placed at the end of March by Down Council, the major funder of the project, and its completion will be supervised by its successor, Newry, Mourne and Down District Council. The restoration committee will be responsible for the memorial’s surround, including the granite cobbles.

“Dismantling the old memorial will be carried out with all due respect for the generation who built it, and for those it commemorates,” said a spokesman for the restoration committee. “Anyone who would like to have components of the old masonry as mementoes is welcome, and should make their requests soon.”

The Ballynahinch public is following the restoration plans with close interest. There were plenty of questions from the floor at a fundraising event in Magheradroll Parish Hall on Thursday night. Two of the most important involved the completion date, which will be before Remembrance Sunday in November, and the financial target, which has not yet been reached.

Down Council had originally allocated £60,000 to the project, with subions of £20,000-£30,000 needed from the public. But during the tendering process it emerged these amounts from both council and public will need to be increased. The Restoration Committee hopes to give details of the new target shortly. 

“In the meantime the message is – thank you for your generosity so far, and please keep the donations coming in,” added the spokesman