Linda’s locks lost in aid of kids charity

Linda’s locks lost in aid of kids charity

29 January 2014

A SPA woman is preparing to shed her locks tomorrow for a charity that creates wigs for children undergoing chemotherapy.

Linda McBride is hoping to raise hundreds of pounds for The Little Princess Trust through her sponsored hair cut.

The Little Princess Trust has a fund for children between the ages of two and 18 who have lost their hair through cancer treatment or alopaecia.

Linda’s long hair will be donated to the Trust, while she is also hoping that donations and sponsorship will further boost her efforts for the charity.

She will have her hair cut by Keith Kane at Keith Kane International in Carryduff tomorrow morning at 10.30am.

Linda says she in unfazed by the prospect of going short for the charity, which she said does valuable work for the well-being of children in difficulty.

“I was going to get my hair trimmed and somebody suggested this idea to me,” she said.

“I have not had short hair for a long time but I believe this is for a very good cause.”

Anyone who would like to contribute to The Princess Trust can do so to Linda through Keith Kane International.