Kilmore parishioners back in former church

Kilmore parishioners back in former church

24 June 2015

THE members of Kilmore and Inch parish celebrated Father’s Day on Sunday in the former Kilmore Church at the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum in Cultra.

The old church has been at the Folk and Transport Museum since 1976 when it was taken down stone by stone after standing in Kilmore churchyard for 184 years.

After the building of the current church in 1870 it ceased to be a place of worship and, instead, was used as a school and a hall.

Sunday’s service was attended by an excellent turn-out of parishioners and was part of the 2015 Year of Mission in the diocese of Down and Dromore.

When, in May 2013, Bishop Harold Miller gathered together more than 800 select vestry members in four different venues, he presented three pictures of how he would like the diocese to be transformed in the run–up to and throughout 2015.

Firstly, the Bishop said that he wanted parishes to look outwards, rather than being consumed by their own parochial needs and preoccupations. 

Secondly, he urged parishes to begin to see everything through a “missional filter” — questioning all of their activities, their use of money, worship and welcome.

Thirdly, the Bishop issued a challenge to the Down and Dromore diocese to move from plateau to growth and, indeed, to believe that growth was possible.

He encouraged the select vestries to lead by example and to tend the ground, creating the right environment for growth.

“Let’s embrace the Year of Mission,” he said, “and allow God to transform us so that we are missional all the time and become places of transformation for others.”

This event was part of Kilmore and Inch Parish’s contribution to the Year of Mission.

A range of special events and other strategic ministries such as ‘cup and chat’ in the Masonic Hall on Tuesday mornings, Christians Against Poverty to support both those in financial difficulty and those who want some training in how to better manage their money, and the Food Bank operating from Christ Church, Kilmore.

After Sunday’s service the parishioners enjoyed lunch, which was provided by Root Soup.