Inspectors give school an excellent new report

Inspectors give school an excellent new report

18 November 2015

ST Joseph’s Primary School in Crossgar is celebrating an outstanding achievement in a recent inspection examining how it sustains improvement.

The leadership of the recently appointed principal, Mrs Siobhan McArdle, was commended highly in the report which said staff demonstrated high capacity for sustained improvement.

The school was considered by inspectors to have a strong, child-centred ethos in which staff work tirelessly to support every child both academically and socially.  

They also praised the way in which the children are included in all aspects of the curriculum which ensures that they achieve their full potential.  

The inspectors were complimentary about many aspects of life in St Joseph’s Primary School, including the excellent behaviour of the children.  

They also complimented staff on their excellent teaching supported by rigorous, extensive planning focused on individualised support for each child in the school. 

In addition, the inspectors reported how remarkably well staff, described as “high skilled”, work as a whole school team with the main focus on the children. 

The school was noted to having recently appointed a music specialist who trains the choir to very 

high standards enabling the 

children to partake in prestigious events such as the Peace Proms in the Odyssey, where they performed alongside a worldwide 120-piece orchestra.   

A range of fun and exciting after-school activities is on offer to extend the children’s learning, while a newly refurbished learning support area has been developed to support individual children. 

Welcoming the report, Mrs McArdle said she and her staff would continue to work extremely hard to maintain excellent standards to ensure all children continue to have a very positive experience at the school.