Downpatrick man denies theft from landlady

Downpatrick man denies theft from landlady

17 July 2013

A DOWNPATRICK man charged with theft, criminal damage and handling stolen goods appeared in court on Thursday to contest the charges.

Seamus Kane (46), of Struell Crescent, was charged with damaging the flat he used to live in, along with theft from his former landlady and theft from a friend.

The damages to Perpetua Marron’s flat were said to have occurred between August 31, 2009 and January 16, 2012 when Kane lived there. He is also accused of stealing a washing machine, microwave and fridge when he left the flat on October 20 last year.

Mrs. Marron said Kane was asked to leave the property when he became abusive towards her and her husband.

When he left the flat Kane still owed rent and Mrs. Marron said she believed that Kane had intentionally damaged her property.

A police constable described pictures of the flat showing damage, including cigarette butts in a door frame, black spray paint on walls outside a door to the flat, large pieces of carpet cut out, a damaged bed frame and a bed lodged in the doorway of the hotpress.

When Kane appeared at Downpatrick Court on Thursday he also denied stealing a washing machine, two power tools, two power sanders and damaging a telephone table that belonged to George Kelly, between August 28, 2012 and October 28, 2012.

The case will continue on July 30.