Downpatrick WI members sympathise with businesses hit by unprecedented flooding

Downpatrick WI members sympathise with businesses hit by unprecedented flooding

15 November 2023

DOWNPATRICK Women’s Institute’s monthly meeting was held last Wednesday when members expressed their sympathy to the business community following the recent flooding.

The president, Deirdre Ferris, welcomed the members to the meeting, with the theme of the evening being ‘Christmas crafts’.

The members congratulated Edwina Marr on her recent success at the Festival of the Spoken Word 2023.

She won first prize in sight reading along with second place in three other categories which were prepared speech, a poem by an Irish poet and a poem written by a Women’s Institute member.

The guest speaker was Helen Newell, a member from Seaforde Women’s Institute, who showcased an array of her wonderful craftwork.

Members were each given a craft pack and with Helen’s guidance were able make festive Christmas coasters.Pat Mulhall gave the vote of thanks.

Pat and Debbie McKibben provided the tea and delicious homemade flapjacks during which arrangements for the December meeting and Christmas lunch were discussed.

The members celebrated the special birthday of Rosemary McVeigh. The raffle was in aid of the Earl Haig Poppy Appeal Fund and was won by Brenda Rea.

The competition entitled ‘An Oriental Ornament’ was won by Helen Orr, with Geraldine Gray second. The Competition Cup was won by Margaret Orr.

Next month’s meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 13.