Ballee children’s fitness club

Ballee children’s fitness club

27 March 2013

THE Ballee and District Community Group’s fitness programme, which is funded by the Big Lottery, is to continue next month.

Held in Ballee hall on a Saturday afternoon, the physical fitness programme initiative is aimed at local children who live within a four mile radius of the village.

The programme, which is designed for children aged between 5 and 7 (Ballee Cubs) and 8 and 11 (Ballee Cats), runs from April 27 until May 11 and from June 1 to 8.

Sessions for the Cubs take place between 2pm and 3.15pm, with the programme for the Cats running between 3.30pm and 4.45pm.

The five sessions cost £10 and each programme is limited to 12 places.

Children are not permitted to wear jeans, but must wear trainers. They must also have the appropriate consent forms signed.

To book a place contact providing two contact numbers.