Appeal after cat is blasted in the face

Appeal after cat is blasted in the face

12 April 2017

THE owner of a cat shot in the face by a shotgun has appealed for anyone with information about the attack to contact police.

Alison Ware’s cat, Darwin, remains in a critical condition following the late night shooting outside Dundrum last week.

She has urged anyone with information about the incident to contact police to ensure no other animals are hurt.

Alison is devastated by Darwin’s injuries and says her vet has advised her to take “one day at a time” as the cat battles potentially life-threatening infection.

Alison explained she first discovered the wounds when she went into her living room at 3am to check he had returned home for the night.

“I bent down to give him a hug and kiss and felt the wetness. I turned on the lights and immediately saw how badly hurt he was,” she said.

“He was gurgling as the blood ran into his throat and he was bleeding from the eyes, nose and mouth.

“His wound was stitched closed, but it burst open on Monday when infection set in.

“Several pellets remain in his face and he is not strong enough to have them removed. The injuries to his mouth are potentially life-changing.”

Alison, who runs a cat sanctuary with her husband Mark, said they were both badly affected by the Darwin’s suffering.

“We rescued Darwin five years ago. Our cats live with us like family and we are totally dedicated to them,” she said. “They are our babies.

“This has been the most horrific time for us. I cannot function, our hearts are broken.”

Mark said he fears there has been a rise in similar incidents across Northern Ireland.

“We would love to ask people why they do this,” he said. “We want them to face the law and would ask anyone who sees any act of animal cruelty to contact the PSNI, because it’s a crime.”