Anti-social behaviour concern for residents

Anti-social behaviour concern for residents

3 August 2016

RESIDENTS in Crossgar have expressed concern about young people engaging in anti-social behaviour in the village.

Over 40 people have been gathering at playing fields close to Cedar Integrated Primary School at the Kilmore Road and at Lislea Drive over the past number of weekends, with local reports that a number of them are drinking alcohol.

It is understood people are being encouraged to meet in Crossgar via social media amid suggestions that alcohol is being hidden if police are in the area.

Rowallane councillor, Terry Andrews, confirmed he has been contacted by a number of concerned residents and met with a number recently to discuss their concern. He believes not all the young people are from the village and that not all of them are drinking alcohol and behaving disorderly. However, he said they are creating a major nuisance.

“I have been told CCTV cameras and a new perimeter fence are to be installed at the primary school, while residents whose relatives suffer from a variety of conditions are concerned nothing is being done to address the poor behaviour of these young people,” he continued.

“Some feel intimidated by the presence of so many young people near their homes and there are also those who feel frightened. They should not have to live like this.”

Councillor Andrews confirmed he is seeking a meeting with local police and representatives from a range of statutory agencies to discuss residents’ concerns.

“Police recently told me that reports they had received about what was happening in the village were ‘grossly over exaggerated’ but this assertion is not shared by many concerned residents,” he continued.

“Some of the residents have spotted young people drinking in Lislea Drive, but have informed me they are not from the area. These young people were also hauling a speaker playing loud music about with them. There have also been reports that young people are hiding alcohol and if this the case the question that must be asked is where are they getting it from?”

Councillor Andrews said anti-social behaviour at the weekend is something people in Crossgar should not have to put up with. 

A PSNI spokesman confirmed police received a number of reports of a group of young people drinking in the Lislea Drive area of Crossgar shortly after 9.30pm on Saturday, July 23.

He added: “Police conducted a patrol of the area and, while there were a number of young people in the vicinity of Lislea Drive, none were observed drinking.”