Action plans aim to boost tourism

Action plans aim to boost tourism

28 August 2013

ACTION plans aimed at making the Mournes and Strangford Lough must-see stops on Ireland’s tourist trail have been given the go-ahead by Down Council.

The Mourne Mountains and Strangford Lough Destination Action Plans for 2013-18, yet to be finalised, were developed after the Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB) appointed consultants to review the current strategy.

For both destinations the aim is for visitors to spend more and stay longer.

“The Outdoor Playground for the North of Ireland — where a sense of well-being and freedom comes from the connection with nature, the rolling mountains, seashores and landscapes and the choice of soft and adrenaline adventure” was the vision of the Mournes presented in the plans shown at a recent Down Council committee meeting.

Consultants BTS Solutions and NITB said the stress-busting qualities of the Mournes were “crucial” to the marketing of the Mournes as Ireland’s outdoor activity and adventure capital.

The plan encourages a feasibility study into a summer season ferry service from the UK to Greenore in County Louth, to build on the proposed Greenore ferry service to Greencastle near the Mournes. It also advocates the concept of a National Park in the area, a strengthening of the existing Mournes Tourism Forum and a year long tourism events programme.

Poor roads, transport and signage are noted as negatives in the area.

The report on Strangford Lough notes that 73 per cent of its visitors were on day trips. Of these only four per cent are estimated to be from the Republic and seven per cent from around the UK.

“The core strength of the destination is the Area of [Outstanding] Natural Beauty,” the report reads. “One of the biggest challenges is converting the strengths of the destination into reasons to visit... The vision for the Strangford Lough is ‘Land and Sea, History and Lough — a fantastically beautiful landscape within which to de-stress, explore and witness our wildlife’.”

Consultants recommended a marketing strategy positioning Strangford Lough as the lifestyle and nature-based short-break destination of choice for overnight and day visitors to Northern Ireland.

Among the negatives noted in the area area were poor roads and transport, poor opening hours, lack of nightlife and hotels, litter and no single large attraction.

Members gave approval to further develop the Mourne Mountains and Strangford Lough Destination Action Plans for 2013-18.