UKIP will continue to help people who ask for our help

SIR, — I was astonished and indeed disappointed to read the letter published in this paper purporting to represent the Langley Road Residents.

I would point out that I have made representations to the statutory agencies on behalf of many Langley Road Residents at their request and will continue to do so if asked. 

I would also point out that it is grossly misleading to claim a local MP is responsible for work being done like UPVC window or Boiler replacements that were already on a scheduled programme for work to be done.

However, if the MP has been responsible for work being done that has benefited the community I welcome it as I would sincerely hope that the DUP would welcome the many issues that I have successfully resolved for people on an individual basis including residents in Langley.

In terms of traffic calming the simple fact is that Langley should have been prioritised for work years ago. 

The fact still remains that the local section Road Service budget has undergone massive cuts this year and there are no funds allocated for traffic calming measures.

I nor UKIP make no apologies for wanting to get equal and fair treatment for the people of Langley and Ballynahinch and even though we do not have the enormous salaries, money and resources of the DUP and other political parties we will continue to work for the people in a determined fashion and do our best for them.

Yours etc.,


UKIP Down District.