The St. Patrick Centre should be shut down

SIR, — As a ratepayer in Down District I would call on the Saint Patrick Centre management, local council and local political representatives to make the right decision now and close the Downpatrick centre.

It is unfair for the council to continually ply money into a failed centre. At a time of cutbacks and savings why should taxpayers be asked to pay more.

Council services are already badly affected and Down District is filthy. What we need is a proper strategic and economic development plan for South Down which will actually provide investment and jobs.

I also think that instead of rates increases there should be a rates reduction for those of us who commute around the district and further as there is inadequate infrastructure. Why when Sammy Wilson announced road projects there were none is this area?

What are our politicians doing? Answers on the back of a postcard.

Yours etc.,


Saul Road,
