Take responsibility for teens

SIR, — Once again St. Patrick’s Day approaches and as a locally elected representative and as a Youth Worker I would urge young people to show restraint and not turn the celebration of our national saint into a youth booze-fest.

We have seen many examples recently where substantial anti-social behaviour has taken place by young people in an area of Downpatrick town centre. Throwing stones, damaging property, threatening local people and large amounts of alcohol are being consumed by young people often under the age of 15 — and often on council property such as play parks.

I have met on an interagency basis with the relevant authorities. including the PSNI, Down Council and Social Services and they have asked me to convey a very strong message that anti-social or criminal behaviour will not be tolerated. They have given me an assurance that all that can be done will be done including fines, prosecutions and referrals to Social Services.

I also urge parents to take responsibility for their children too. Know where they are. Know who they are with. Know what they are doing. They are your responsibility and palming them off down town with a tenner in their pocket for up to 12 hours on St. Patrick’s Day is not acceptable.

Council, Police, Social Services, youth and community workers can pick up the pieces, but parents can stop the breakage happening by monitoring their children’s behaviour. And whilst I accept that the majority of parents do exercise their full responsibility, recent examples in our town have shown that many more need to step up to the mark.

Yours etc.,

