Speeders must slow down

SIR, — While many of your readers may have been surprised to read recently that a driver was detected travelling at 82mph in the 40mph zone at the Strangford Road in Downpatrick, I was not.

As a resident of this part of the town, speeding drivers is an issue that I and others are all too familiar with. And it would appear that the issue is getting worse.

The 82mph speed was detected by an electronic device which has been provided by the district’s Policing and Community Safety Partnership and while welcome, it is in the wrong place as the majority of Strangford Road residents will attest to.

It is clear that the device needs to be moved further back towards the entrance to Lecale Park and local politicians, the Community Safety Partnership and Department for Infrastructure need to ensure that this happens.

The current speed sign governs a stretch of road where there are only a small number of homes. Further back along this busy main road, there are much larger housing developments, a care home and a Newry, Mourne and Down Council depot.

Given that the speed restriction sign is policing only small section of the busy main road, I hope that politicians will listen to residents’ concerns given that is their job to do so and they are in office because people put them there.

Will the PCSP and Department for Infrastructure publish a detailed analysis of all the speeds recorded at the Strangford Road? If not, our local politicians should demand that the information is made available.

Can politicians also ask the PCSP to launch an online consultation asking people across the district for their input into the success of the seven speed signs that have been erected.

I also wonder if all Downpatrick councillors agreed to the location. Surely those with knowledge of this particular area would have raised concerns about the speed signs position, knowing full well that it was in the wrong position.

Yours etc,