Shocking fuss over a word

SIR, — It is difficult not to be shocked by the fuss that is being caused by an emblem bearing the words ‘Downpatrick’ and ‘Dún Pádraig’.

The earliest attested name for Downpatrick contained the element Dún(a fort) and Pádraig was added because of the saint’s association with the area. It was subsequently anglicised as Downpatrick.

What is so wrong with using the two names, Downpatrick and Dún Pádraig, to recognise both the English and Irish traditions? 

Must good community relations always be interpreted to mean that there’s no place for the Irish tradition in Down District; or will Unionist politicians ever find it in their hearts to recognise the legitimacy of that tradition?

Yours etc.,


Downpatrick/Dún Pádraig.