Plough land being used for Downpatrick arson

SIR, — Last week’s front page article confirming that Downpatrick Fire Station was the busiest in Northern Ireland following a disturbing spate of deliberate gorse fires was shocking.

As someone who lives close to the fires which broke out at the Killough Road area, I can say that the actions of those who started the fires had a major impact, particularly on the elderly.

Dry gorse is sadly an all too familiar attraction to young people hell bent on starting fires which I can assure you is no fun for people who live in the area and whose home heating oil tanks were not that far from the seat of the blaze.

Given firefighters were called to an area close to the old quarry at Racecourse Hill many times last week, can someone, somewhere, not make a decision to plough this particular land which is also close to homes at the Model Farm estate.

This would kill the gorse and hopefully force those responsible for starting the fires to stop. I have no doubt many people will share my view that the firefighters did a great job in responding to the countless fires started in Downpatrick.

It must also be remembered that these are individuals who are holding down full-time jobs which they have to leave to fight fires to protect life and property. We are grateful for everything they do.

Perhaps establishing ownership of the field beside the quarry at Racecourse Hill may be a problem but if it can, the owner would be doing the local community a tremendous service if he would plough the area. If this is not possible, the removal of gorse would be greatly welcomed by residents.

Yours etc,



(Name and address supplied).