New York college feature rekindled happy memories

SIR, — I found your article on Hunter College very interesting, (Down Recorder, June 20).

I lived in New York from 1959 to 1967, I attended night classes to get my High School Diploma 1961-1963. I continued at Hunters to hone my secretarial skills. Never did I dream that I would live the final years of my life in Dr. David Hunter’s home village of Ardglass after  having spent some years in Dublin and 33 years in Waterloo, outside Brussels.

My great friend and father of my children, Gerard, and family originally came from Ardglass. We now enjoy visits from our children and grandchildren, frequent visits from in-laws and some outlaws. We are married 44 years. No, I’m not completely worn out yet, just a bit slower.

Yours etc.,


Castle Lane,
