Lane is great but boards are a nuiscance to shoppers

SIR, — I noted with interest the comments in last week’s paper about the environmental improvement work carried at out Market Lane in Downpatrick.

Congratulations are certainly due to the contractors responsible as they did an excellent job, helping revitalise this part of the town.

Market Lane provides a vital link from the Irish Street car park to Market Street and is used by an increasing number of shoppers. But what puzzles me is the number of advertising signs and boards some businesses located along Market Lane are putting outside their premises on the main pedestrian walkway.

The signs in my opinion are not only excessive, but create unnecessary obstacles which the elderly and mothers with prams have to negotiate.

Market Lane looks really well at the moment, but the number of advertising signs on display on the footway are threatening to undo all the good work.

Yours etc.,



(Name and address supplied).