Downpatrick area deserves support

SIR, — I was privileged to attend last week’s annual meeting of the Bridge Street and Mount Crescent Community Association in Downpatrick.

The hard working group is doing a tremendous amount of good work and while I am not a Downpatrick councillor, I am more than happy to do what I can to help.

A number of issues came up, including support for a Roads Service scheme to introduce traffic calming measures in the area.

Residents also highlighted the need for a playground at the rear of Church View to be cleaned on a more regular basis.

What disappointed me was that myself and fellow Rowallane councillor Terry Andrews were the only elected representatives who attended last week’s annual meeting which was advertised in the Recorder.

It would appear that Downpatrick councillors want nothing to do with the people of Bridge Street and Mount Crescent which is particularly disappointing.

Could the reason for their refusal to help be that they see no political capital in helping these particular residents?

Downpatrick councillors should be doing what they can to help Bridge Street and Mount Crescent residents. They should not leave the job to s elected representatives from outside the area.

Both myself and Councillor Andrews are delighted to help and do all we can, but the people of this part of Downpatrick deserve the support of all the town’s political representatives.

Yours etc.,

