Cyclists have a duty to other road users

SIR, — Now that the summer’s here there seems to have been an explosion in the number of people taking to the road to cycle and run.

Wonderful. We are delighted that you are looking after your health. Why not try to capitalise on this activity and stay alive throughout the summer as well?

As drivers, we are frequently requested to show consideration to other road users. But it’s about time we, who do pay road tax, and have as much right as you to be on the roads around Downpatrick, were shown a little consideration ourselves from cyclists, runners and walkers.

I think this is a fair request and, ultimately, is in your own best interests as a little care and consideration could well save your life. Perhaps look over your shoulder, cyclist, before launching yourself out into the traffic in Market Street from the lay-by, and allow drivers time to manoeuvre safely around  you.

Perhaps avoid running three abreast on the blind hill on the Finnebrogue Road, as was seen today. Only the care and consideration of the four vehicles also going over the hill at the same time prevented a critical reduction in your numbers.

And do, I beg you, refrain from waving drivers on past you impatiently as you puff up hills on blind corners. We will generally be able to judge for ourselves when it is safe to pass, and resent being glared at like the White Van Man when we are only trying to keep everyone safe.

And of course, enjoy the summer. If you show a little consideration for drivers, we all will. 

Yours etc,

