College courses will get you out of a rut

SIR, — It’s hard to believe looking back two years ago that I was sat at home stuck in a rut. I have suffered from a long term illness and a friend suggested the Access course at South Eastern Regional College (SERC) in Downpatrick.

It was with trepidation I attended the open night and enrolled. Two years later I am in the final months of my course and through the support and inspiration of my tutors I have applied to university and have received offers. So it looks like at the age of 39 I will be attending Queens University.

I wanted to bring this course to the attention of your readers as with the current economic situation there are many people, men and women, who could avail of this course. It can lead to many career options in the health sector or teaching to name just a few.

It is something I will never regret doing and I would like to thank the tutors in the Adult Education Department for their support and belief in me; the confidence they have given me in my abilities will stay with me for ever.

So if you feel you are stuck in a rut or just unsure of where your life is going, check out the Access Courses at SERC. I promise you, you won’t regret it.

Yours etc.,

