American appreciation of the St. Patrick Centre

SIR, — In June 2011, I was fortunate enough to participate in the Young Ambassadors Program run by the Saint Patrick Centre and the Friends of St. Patrick. 

It has come to my attention the Saint Patrick Centre is in danger of closing due to limited funding. The impact of this closure would be felt not only in Downpatrick but also throughout the United States and Canada in the various communities connected to the Centre including Milwaukee, Minnesota, Pittsburgh, and Toronto. 

I am a senior at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin completing a degree in Education, History, and Justice and Peace studies. Currently, I am completing my student teaching at a local public high school.  

Participation in the Young Ambassadors Program allowed me to develop my understanding of the intersection of education, history and creating a more peaceful society. My work with the Saint Patrick Centre, the Integrated Education Fund, and the Ulster Scots Agency provided me with invaluable experience developing my skills as a peacemaker while challenging me to deepen my understanding of forgiveness and how to move forward together in a sustainable way.

The lessons I learned as a Young Ambassador not only influence my life but also the lives of my students. Because of this program I am able to share with my high school students the rich history and profound lessons to be learned from Northern Ireland. This program and the Saint Patrick Centre not only aids community reconciliation in Northern Ireland but also impacts the development of high school students in Milwaukee. 

The lessons I learned about conflict transformation are integrated into my classroom and help my students’ better address conflict in their own lives. 

The Saint Patrick Centre serves as an institution within Downpatrick and the larger global community. The loss of such an institution will be felt by a great number of people. I strongly encourage continued investment in the Centre as it serves an irreplaceable role within the community.

Yours etc.,

